PCI Compliant Shopping Cart Software
Maintain Your Low Credit Card Fees
Merchant account companies assess credit card fees based upon risk levels. Merchant service providers range from low-risk retail swipe merchants to high risk merchants. Failing to maintain PCI compliance increases your risk profile allowing your provider to radically increase your fees and potentially hold back your money.
Ascender's PCI compliant environment includes redundant protections ensuring your website will always meet PCI standards.
Choose Ascender with confidence!
Start Your Trial Today!Top 3 Reasons Businesses Trust Ascender:

Identity Theft Protection:
You are responsible for protecting your customers' personal and credit card information. Therefore, we provide redundant protections to safeguard customer information helping you protect your customers.

Quarterly PCI Audit Assistance:
You need someone on your side to help you keep your low risk profile. Because Ascender works with this everyday, we can help you complete your audits.

PCI SAQ Assistance Available:
Ascender's highly trained, PCI Compliance team is available to assist you in properly completing your PCI Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ). Ascender's team receives training on all four SAQs and therefore can expedite completing your SAQ and helping you maintain your PCI certification and low merchant account rates.